Saturday, December 22, 2007

No Christmas Card This Year...Sorry!

Unfortunately I did not get my act together enough to get a Christmas card out this year. Instead, please click on the link below and consider that our card for 2007! Have a great holiday season and a happy and healthy new year!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007


I have started working with Jeffrey on answering the phone - supervised only. So if you call, be patient and just keep asking him to get mommy or daddy. If you don't, you might be talking to him for awhile. Anyone who knows him, knows he LOVES to talk!

Collin's One Year Check-up; Jeffrey's Cough

I took Collin this morning for his one year check-up. He officially weighs in at 24.2 pounds (~70%ile) and measures 32 inches (~96%ile). Needless to say, he is growing and developing great! It certainly helps that he is willing to eat everything and anything put in front of him.....for now (or maybe he will be the odd child that does really eat anything).

While we were there, I made an appointment for Jeffrey who has had a fever for 6 days now and a hacking cough that has gotten worse. Turns out he has pneumonia! Oh joy! Well, at least it's this week and not next with the holidays coming up. He's on medication and will hopefully be on the mend.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Chipped Tooth

We went out for pizza tonight and the table at the restaurant had a glass top over the tablecloth. Collin was doing his rocking back and forth thing in the highchair and smacked his face into the glass. He chipped his front tooth! It's not so bad and maybe it will add even more character to his already adorable smile!

First Snow of the Season

Yesterday the whole family went out for a little fun in the snow. It took about 15 minutes to bundle everyone up but it was worth it. It was Collin's first experience playing in the snow and he loved it!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, Collin!

It is hard to believe, but Collin officially turned one today! It has been amazing how fast the year has gone by. He is crawling around so fast and is cruising around the furniture. He is able to push his walker toy around the house and it looks like once he gets the confidence he will be up and walking in no time.

Jeff and I think Collin is saying a couple of words now too. In the morning when he wakes up he will babble to himself and then it sounds like he calls out "mama" or "da" for us to come and get him. When he is sad and tired, he will crawl around through the house following me saying "mama" in the most pathetic voice. He has started to give kisses and be prepared the next time to get a big, open-mouth, slobbery kiss from him!

I can't say this year has been the best year in terms of our "big" issues but it has been a great year with our little guy! Happy Birthday, Collin!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007


We took Jeffrey and Collin to downtown Natick for the annual tree lighting ceremony and to see Santa. Jeffrey has not been a fan before of sitting in his lap and has only seen Santa from afar. Lately though he has been obsessed with him. He has even picked out some toys to wrap up to give to Santa when he comes. Every commerical or print ad that he sees he says quite emphatically that Santa just HAS to bring that for him. He is also convinced that Santa shops at Target so everything he sees there when we go also goes on the list. Not sure why he thinks that's where he goes...

Here is Jeffrey and Collin's first Santa picture. Santa was actually someone that we know well and Jeffrey was very impressed that he knew his name and ours! Collin as you can see was less than thrilled but everyone has to have at least one crying-on-Santa's-lap picture in their lifetime. Jeffrey looks a little star-struck.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Jeffrey's Surgery

On Monday, November 19th, Jeffrey had his tonsils and adenoids taken out at Children's Hospital in Boston. He had been getting a lot of throat infections and his breathing interferes with his sleeping.

The surgery was a success and I am happy to report that he has not snored since the operation! Jeffrey did great! He was so excited to be there and made friends with every staff member he met. He and I slept one night at the hospital because of his age. It was like a big sleepover with all the movies and ice cream we wanted! He was discharged the following day with pain medication and an antibiotic. He was running a slight fever which got a little higher - to the point I had to call the ENT on call Wednesday and Thursday night. He is better now and has started really eating again...not the foods he would really like to have but the softer ones he is allowed to have for now.

Jeffrey with his pint-sized johnny on waiting to go into surgery.

Jeffrey right after the surgery eating his first of many popsicles.
A long day....

Collin's 1st Birthday Party - 11/17/07

Here are a couple of pictures from Collin's 1st birthday party. We had it a month early - the poor kid's real birthday is about a week before Christmas. It was a fun day! Notice the multiple outfit changes...he LOVED his cupcake and frosting!

Welcome to Our Blog!

To keep in touch with those near and far (and some very far) we decided to start a Meisner Family Blog. We wanted one separate from Anne's blog about her "journey" and one that could focus on family events, especially with the boys.
