Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I had my regular 6 month mammogram this afternoon. All is fine! Completely normal findings thankfully. I get so anxious and nervous leading up to it and I can finally BREATHE!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

So far, so good...all around

Hope I just didn't jinx this but things have been good with Collin since giving up the binkies. He did well last night (1st night without them) and napping today. He fell asleep without any big commotion tonight too. It's weird to think that a 22 month old knew he was ready to be done with them.

Collin is also talking SO much more. We were worried back in June and had Early Intervention come out and look at his speech. The special ed teacher in me is a bad quality to have when it comes to my own kids. I read way too much into things and every little deviation from the norm raised a red flag - unneccessary most times. Anyway, EI came out and he tested ahead of his age in everything but his expressive language. That was only one month behind which wasn't enough to get help from a speech therapist. They gave us strategies which I have been following and things are clicking. It's not all that clear at times but I can translate! We carry on conversations during the day now and he is less frustrated when he is not understood because it doesn't happen as much.

Collin is also so physical and can do so much more than I expect him to do (or want him to do). He climbs on EVERYTHING! I swear he was either a monkey or Evil Kaneival (however you spell it) in his past life! He's up on counters, dressers, tables, washing machines - everything! Nothing is safe or off limits to him. I have limits for him but it is ALL DAY LONG! Now with the winter months approaching, I think I need to sign him up for something to harness this energy of his.

Jeffrey is doing so well. He has gotten so tall and everyday it seems like he is more grown up than the day before. Where did my baby go?!?!? I have to remind myself that he is only 4 1/2! He is thriving at preschool. He knows his letters, how to write his name and even some basic addition! Wow. It is so exciting to see him learn all of this stuff! He loves school and is really looking forward to Kindergarten next year. There is one thing we are a little concerned about with him. His teacher told me at his conference a couple of weeks ago that he will often mix up some colors loeading her to question the possibility of colorblindness. Not a definite but something to keep an eye on. He mostly does it with blues and purples. We will just keep it on the radar.

Friday, November 7, 2008

"Bye Bye Bees"

We have been prepping Collin to say goodbye to his binkies (pacifiers) for a couple of weeks now. He is attached to them and only uses them at night and at naptime. Half the time they fall off his bed and he loses them in the middle of the night. Well today, completely unprovoked, he went to his bed, scooped them all up and emphatically said, "Bye bye bees" and threw them in the trash in the kitchen. (Bees is binkies in Collin-speak.) I told them they were all yucky now and the kid is a freak when it comes to dirty food on the floor so I think he gets that. We will see how it goes. He is suppose to be napping right now and all is quiet. Keep your fingers crossed! No turning back now!