Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Huge Adventure!

I just found out today that I have been approved for a one week, all expenses paid white-water kayaking trip with other young adult cancer survivors! I will be heading to Glacier National Park in northwest Montana towards the end of July to learn how to kayak rapids and share other experiences with fellow young cancer survivors.

The program is through First Descents. A young (and quite handsome) professional kayaker started back in 2001 and it has grown tremendously since. Please visit the website for more information.

Check out the video:

It looks amazing!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Collin's Baptism

We FINALLY had Collin Baptized today. We would have done it when he was a baby but you all know the story...something else came up and this got pushed to the backburner. We kept it low key...just us, his grandparents and godparents (and his "godbrothers and sisters). Michelle (his godmother) bought him a white oxford button down shirt and zip-up tie. SO cute! Jeffrey decided he wanted to wear a tie too so he wore one of Jeff's. Collin was really good throughout the whole thing but had the look of terror on his face when it came to the pouring of the water on his head.
Collin's Godparents - Michelle and Peter

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Is it seriously time for this?!?!?

We received Jeffrey paperwork to register for KINDERGARTEN in the mail yesterday! What the??? He is super-excited to go on the bus and go to the big school.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Long Overdue....The Month in Review

Here are some pictures from various December events in the Meisner Household. We love our new camera but then had to wait for the new computer to upload the never ends! Collin's birthday was a lot of fun! He had some friends over to celebrate.
Christmas is so fun with the boys now. Jeffrey is so into the whole Santa thing and Collin has a much better understanding than last year. We took the boys to see Santa at the mall and I think Collin is now traumatized. He freaked out when Santa first came in but then as we waited in line was saying hi and playing peek-a-boo with him. We thought he would definitely sit on Santa's couch with Jeffrey...wrong. As soon as it was our turn, he yelled rather emphatically, "No couch!" And that was the end of that. He is STILL talking about Santa and his couch.

Collin an his girlfriend Kira at his birthday party. Note the Power Ranger underwear and tank top (Thanks Sue and Brad!). He insisted on wearing them the entire party!

Collin waiting to blow out his candle. Yes, I made the cake...his party was a winter theme and the cake was a snowman.

Jeffrey and me...getting ready to make his Rice Krispy Christmas house.

Collin and me getting ready (or eating candy...whichever one you prefer) to make gingerbread man cookies.

Christmas morning love...

Collin, Grampy, and Jeffrey

Do you know how hard it is to get all 4 of us to look at the camera, smile and not close our eyes?!?!

One of Jeffrey's favorite toys - G.I. Joe

Another favorite - the Hess Truck

New Bruins shirts!