Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sick (Again!) and Expanding Vocabualry

Jeffrey has had a tough winter. It seems like he has had one illness after another. He got his tonsils out in November and then in December had round one of pneumonia. This past week, he got strep throat and yet another round of pneumonia! The poor thing is wiped out! Hopefully with spring quickly approaching, the colds will be fewer and farther between.

Collin on the other hand has been mostly healthy. He has had an everlasting cold but it doesn't seem to bother him much. I am tired of wiping runny noses and getting coughed on but he seems happy enough. Throughout this, Collin's vocabulary has been growing - slowing but he has some definite words under his belt. His first word was "done." He hands us his cup or food from his plate and says it. (Or he'll clear his plate by throwing one piece of food off to Maggie who is always anxiously waiting for something to come her way.) Collin also now has to use a fork or at least have a utensil in his hand while he eats. He is pretty successful at stabbing his food and is getting more efficient with it everyday. He calls me "ma ma" or something that sounds very much like "Annie" - it comes out like "na nee." Weird but others have heard it and agree. He can say "da" for daddy and will say it rather emphatically when daddy comes home from work. Those are the definite three words but he is constantly babbling on - about what I am not quite sure right now.