Monday, May 12, 2008

It's small but...

a big deal to me. Four seems to be the magic age for Jeffrey. He claims that now he is 4, he can do all sorts of things. Tonight, for example, he declared he was now able to take a shower all by himself which he did. He had NO interest in it until today. Yesterday he went from riding his small 2 wheeler to riding his new, big 2 wheeler. What is happening to my baby?!?!?!?

Collin's Word Update

A list of "words" Collin can now say...

all done ("ah dah")
ma, mama, mommy
da, daddy
dog ("da")
jeffrey ("gee")
truck ("rah")
thank you ("ta too")
bye bye
night ("ni")
balloon ("boon")
ball ("ba")
bird ("buurd")

There might be more that I am forgetting. He is taking after Jeffrey and talks, talks, talks.

Collin has started to become somewhat of a tattle-tale. If he gets upset with Jeffrey (they are usually both at fault) he will come into the room I am in, whining, fake crying, babbling, finger pointing back at the offender, trying to tell some sort of story about the incident. It won't be long before Jeffrey won't be able to get away with as much as he does. Collin will be able to tell me soon!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The 2008 Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk

Sorry for so many posts in a row but I wanted to let you all know that I have signed up to do the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk in September. Yes, I am planning on walking all 26.2 miles! I have broadened my goals and focus and instead of just raising money for breast cancer I thought that all cancer sucks and I should do what I can for all of the people affected by this devastating disease.

Please take a moment and visit my personal webpage at: or my team page at:

After reading more about the walk and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and The Jimmy Fund, all I ask is that you consider making a donation - even $1 helps!!!! If you can't donate at this time, join our team! It will be a guarenteed fun-filled day! Please also pass these links on to all you know!!!

Thank you for you r continued support!!!!!

The 2-Wheeler and Other Random Pictures

About 2 weeks ago, Jeffrey decided that he wanted to take his training wheels off. He has some positive peer pressure as his friend down the street who is alomost 6 has been zipping up and down the street for months on his "big kid bike." In about 5 minutes and with no tears, Jeffrey mastered the art of riding a two-wheeler without training wheels and without an adult holding on to him! He was SO proud, as we were too, that he could do it. We bought him a larger bike for his birthday but went back to using his smaller one so he could get more comfortable with the whole balance thing. Here are 2 pictures of Jeffrey with his bike.

Now for some other random pictures of Jeffrey and Collin from the past few weeks...There are certain things both boys seem to be obsessed with lately - playing outside, getting filthy and muddy, and ice cream cones. They have a great relationship for the most part (aside from the typical bickering and sibling stuff) and it is so heartwarming to see them play and give each other hugs!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How did this happen?!?!?

Where has the time gone???? Jeffrey turns 4 today! The age of 4 to me signals the end to babyhood and starts the stage of true childhood. I can't believe it has been 4 years already!

Jeffrey went for his well-visit appoinment yesterday and oh boy has he grown! He gained 9 pounds (99%ile for his age/weight) and grew 4 inches (97%ile for his age/height) since last year. He almost weighs 50 pounds!!! His doctor said to expect an average of about 2 inches per year at this point. No wonder he "needs" to eat all day long!

We celebrated his birthday Saturday with a dinosaur party. He invited only the boys from his class along with some outside-of-school friends. "No girls allowed" he kept saying. He even wanted to make a sign for his room that said that. So we had 8 four year olds over and much to my surprise they were all SO good and well-behaved! It was a fun day! We will be having a family/other friend party soon - TBD.
Here is a picture from Jeffrey's birthday party with his little friends (yes, I did make the cake!!) as well as two pictures from his actually birthday day!